SB258, s. 21 17Section 21. 7.53 (3n) of the statutes is created to read:
SB258,16,1318 7.53 (3n) Metropolitan sewerage district elections. In each metropolitan
19sewerage district created under s. 200.23, the secretary of the district shall appoint
202 qualified electors of the district prior to the date of the election being canvassed who
21shall, with the secretary, constitute the metropolitan sewerage district board of
22canvassers. The secretary shall designate a deputy who shall perform the secretary's
23duties as a member of the board of canvassers in the event that the secretary's office
24is vacant or the secretary cannot perform his or her duties. The canvass shall begin
25as soon as possible after receipt of the returns and shall continue, without

1adjournment, until completed. The board of canvassers may return defective returns
2to the municipal board of canvassers in the manner provided in s. 7.60 (3). The board
3of canvassers shall prepare a written statement showing the numbers of votes cast
4for each person for each office and shall prepare a determination showing the names
5of the persons who are elected to the metropolitan sewerage commission. Following
6each primary election, the board of canvassers shall prepare a statement showing the
7names of persons who have won nomination to the office of metropolitan sewerage
8commissioner. Each statement and determination shall be attested by each of the
9canvassers. The board of canvassers shall file each statement and determination in
10the metropolitan sewerage district office. The secretary of the district shall certify
11nominations after each primary and issue certificates of election to persons who are
12elected to the metropolitan sewerage commission after each election in the manner
13provided under sub. (4).
SB258, s. 22 14Section 22. 7.60 (4) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act 1, is
15amended to read:
SB258,17,1416 7.60 (4) (a) The board of canvassers shall make separate duplicate statements
17showing the numbers of votes cast for the offices of president and vice president; state
18officials; U.S. senators and representatives in congress; state legislators; justice;
19court of appeals judge; members of the technical college district boards; circuit
20judges; district attorneys; and metropolitan sewerage commissioners, if the
21commissioners are elected under s. 200.09 (11) (am)
; members of a professional
22football stadium district board; and members of an exposition district board
23whenever the boundaries of an exposition district are not coterminous with the
24boundaries of a single municipality
. If a municipal judge elected under s. 755.01 (4)
25serves a municipality that is located partially within the county and candidates for

1that judgeship file nomination papers in another county, the board of canvassers
2shall prepare a duplicate statement showing the numbers of votes cast for that
3judgeship in that county for transmittal to the other county. For partisan candidates,
4the statements shall include the political party or principle designation, if any, next
5to the name of each candidate. The board of canvassers shall also prepare a
6statement showing the results of any county, technical college district or statewide
7referendum. Each statement shall state the total number of votes cast in the county
8for each office; the names of all persons for whom the votes were cast, as returned;
9the number of votes cast for each person; and the number of votes cast for and against
10any question submitted at a referendum. The board of canvassers shall use one copy
11of each duplicate statement to report to the government accountability board,
12technical college district board or board of canvassers of any other county and shall
13file the other statement in the office of the county clerk or board of election
SB258, s. 23 15Section 23. 7.60 (5) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act 1, is
16amended to read:
SB258,18,1117 7.60 (5) (a) Immediately following the canvass, the county clerk shall deliver
18or send to the government accountability board, by 1st class mail, a certified copy of
19each statement of the county board of canvassers for president and vice president,
20state officials, senators and representatives in congress, state legislators, justice,
21court of appeals judge, members of the technical college district boards, circuit judge,
22district attorney, and metropolitan sewerage commissioners, if the commissioners
23are elected under s. 200.09 (11) (am)
in a metropolitan sewerage district organization
24under subch. I of ch. 200
. The statement shall record the returns for each office or
25referendum by ward, unless combined returns are authorized under s. 5.15 (6) (b) in

1which case the statement shall record the returns for each group of combined wards.
2Following primaries the county clerk shall enclose on forms prescribed by the
3government accountability board the names, party or principle designation, if any,
4and number of votes received by each candidate recorded in the same manner. The
5county clerk shall deliver or transmit the certified statement to the government
6accountability board no later than 7 days after each primary except the September
7primary, no later than 10 days after the September primary and any other election
8except the general election, and no later than 14 days after the general election. The
9board of canvassers shall deliver or transmit a certified copy of each statement for
10any technical college district referendum to the secretary of the technical college
11district board.
SB258, s. 24 12Section 24. 7.70 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,18,2513 7.70 (3) (d) When the certified statements and returns are received, the
14chairperson of the board or the chairperson's designee shall proceed to examine and
15make a statement of the total number of votes cast at any election for the offices
16involved in the election for president and vice president; a statement for each of the
17offices of governor, lieutenant governor, if a primary, and a joint statement for the
18offices of governor and lieutenant governor, if a general election; a statement for each
19of the offices of secretary of state, state treasurer, attorney general, and state
20superintendent; for U.S. senator; representative in congress for each congressional
21district; the state legislature; justice; court of appeals judge; technical college district
22board members;
circuit judge; district attorney; metropolitan sewerage commission,
23if the commissioners are elected under s. 200.09 (11) (am)
commissioners in a district
24organized under subch. I of ch. 200
; and for any referenda questions submitted by
25the legislature.
SB258, s. 25
1Section 25. 7.70 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
SB258,19,52 7.70 (6) Technical college district board members; determinations. The
3elections board shall transmit to the secretary of the technical college district board
4a copy of the certified determination of the chairperson of the elections board or his
5or her designee for the election of each member of any technical college district board.
SB258, s. 26 6Section 26. 8.10 (3) (ae) of the statutes is created to read:
SB258,19,87 8.10 (3) (ae) For the office of member of the technical college district board from
8any election district, not less than 200 nor more than 400 electors.
SB258, s. 27 9Section 27. 8.10 (3) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,19,1210 8.10 (3) (cm) For county executives executive or member of a professional
11football stadium district board
in counties over 500,000 population, not less than
122,000 nor more than 4,000 electors.
SB258, s. 28 13Section 28. 8.10 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,19,1614 8.10 (3) (d) For county executives executive or member of a professional football
15stadium district board
in counties between 100,000 and 500,000 population, not less
16than 500 nor more than 1,000 electors.
SB258, s. 29 17Section 29. 8.10 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,19,2018 8.10 (6) (a) For state offices or seats on a metropolitan sewerage commission,
19if the commissioners are elected under s. 200.09 (11) (am),
in a metropolitan
20sewerage district organized under subch. I of ch. 200,
in the office of the board.
SB258, s. 30 21Section 30. 8.10 (6) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
SB258,19,2322 8.10 (6) (f) For metropolitan sewerage commissioners in districts created under
23s. 200.23, with the secretary of the metropolitan sewerage district.
SB258, s. 31 24Section 31. 8.10 (6) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
18.10 (6) (g) For members of a professional baseball park district board, in the
2office of the board.
SB258, s. 32 3Section 32. 8.11 (1) (a), (b) and (d) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB258,20,94 8.11 (1) (a) A primary may be held in any city for the nomination of candidates
5for city office, for the office of exposition district board member in an exposition
6district that is coterminous with the boundaries of the city, or for the office of cultural
7arts district board member
. When a majority of all the members of the governing
8body of a city decide upon a spring primary for any specific election, they shall so
9provide not later than 3 days after the deadline for filing nomination papers.
SB258,20,1410 (b) Any city may provide by charter ordinance, under s. 66.0101, that whenever
113 or more candidates file nomination papers for a city office, for the office of exposition
12district board member in an exposition district that is coterminous with the
13boundaries of the city, or for the office of cultural arts district board member,
14primary to nominate candidates for the office shall be held.
SB258,20,1915 (d) When the number of candidates for any city office, for the office of exposition
16district board member in an exposition district that is coterminous with the
17boundaries of the city, or for the office of cultural arts district board member
does not
18exceed twice the number to be elected to the office, no primary may be held for the
19office and the candidates' names shall appear on the ballot for the ensuing election.
SB258, s. 33 20Section 33. 8.11 (2g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB258,20,2421 8.11 (2g) Metropolitan sewerage commission. (a) A primary shall be held in
22a metropolitan sewerage district created under s. 200.23 whenever there are more
23than twice the number of candidates to be elected to the metropolitan sewerage
24district within any subdistrict.
1(b) A primary shall be held in a metropolitan sewerage district organized under
2subch. I of ch. 200 whenever there are more than twice the number of candidates to
3be elected to any seat on the metropolitan sewerage commission.
SB258, s. 34 4Section 34. 8.11 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
SB258,21,75 8.11 (6) Technical college district board members. A primary shall be held
6in an election for any seat on a technical college district board whenever there are
7more than 2 candidates in any election district.
SB258, s. 35 8Section 35. 8.11 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
SB258,21,129 8.11 (7) Town sanitary district commission. A primary shall be held for any
10seat on a town sanitary district commission in any district that is contained within
11more than one town whenever there are more than 2 candidates for the office of
12commissioner at any election.
SB258, s. 36 13Section 36. 8.11 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
SB258,21,1714 8.11 (8) Exposition district board of directors. A primary shall be held for
15any seat on the board of directors of an exposition district in an exposition district
16consisting of more than one municipality whenever there are more than 2 candidates
17for that seat.
SB258, s. 37 18Section 37. 8.11 (10) of the statutes is created to read:
SB258,21,2119 8.11 (10) Professional football stadium district board. A primary shall be
20held for any seat on the district board of a professional football stadium district
21whenever there are more than 2 candidates for that seat.
SB258, s. 38 22Section 38. 9.10 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,22,523 9.10 (1) (a) The qualified electors of the state, of any county, city, village, town,
24town sanitary district, of any congressional, legislative, judicial, technical college,
25metropolitan sewerage, exposition, professional football stadium, cultural arts,

1school district, of any subdistrict within a metropolitan sewerage district created
2under s. 200.23,
or of any prosecutorial unit may petition for the recall of any
3incumbent elective official by filing a petition with the same official or agency with
4whom nomination papers or declarations of candidacy for the office are filed
5demanding the recall of the officeholder.
SB258, s. 39 6Section 39. 9.10 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,22,117 9.10 (2) (b) A recall petition for a city, village, town, town sanitary district, or
8technical college, metropolitan sewerage, exposition, professional football stadium,
9cultural arts, or
school district office shall contain a statement of a reason for the
10recall which is related to the official responsibilities of the official for whom removal
11is sought.
SB258, s. 40 12Section 40. 9.10 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,23,213 9.10 (2) (d) No petition may be offered for filing for the recall of an officer unless
14the petitioner first files a registration statement under s. 11.05 (1) or (2) with the
15filing officer with whom the petition is filed. The petitioner shall append to the
16registration a statement indicating his or her intent to circulate a recall petition, the
17name of the officer for whom recall is sought and, in the case of a petition for the recall
18of a city, village, town, town sanitary district, or technical college, metropolitan
19sewerage, exposition, professional football stadium, cultural arts, or
school district
20officer, a statement of a reason for the recall which is related to the official
21responsibilities of the official for whom removal is sought. No petitioner may
22circulate a petition for the recall of an officer prior to completing registration. The
23last date that on which a petition for the recall of an officer may be offered for filing
24is 5 p.m. on the 60th day commencing after registration. After the recall petition has
25been offered for filing, no name may be added or removed. No signature may be

1counted unless the date of the signature is within the period provided in this
SB258, s. 41 3Section 41. 9.10 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,23,94 9.10 (3) (a) This subsection applies to the recall of all elective officials other
5than city, village, town, town sanitary district, and technical college, metropolitan
6sewerage, exposition, professional football stadium, cultural arts, and
school district
7officials. City, village, town, town sanitary district, and technical college,
8metropolitan sewerage, exposition, professional football stadium, cultural arts,
9school district officials are recalled under sub. (4).
SB258, s. 42 10Section 42. 9.10 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,25,1211 9.10 (4) (a) Within 10 days after a petition for the recall of a city, village, town,
12town sanitary district,
or technical college, metropolitan sewerage, exposition,
13professional football stadium, cultural arts, or
school district official, is offered for
14filing, the officer against whom the petition is filed may file a written challenge with
15the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners or school district clerk official
16or agency
with whom it the petition is filed, specifying any alleged insufficiency. If
17a challenge is filed, the petitioner may file a written rebuttal to the challenge with
18the clerk or board of election commissioners official or agency within 5 days after the
19challenge is filed. If a rebuttal is filed, the officer against whom the petition is filed
20may file a reply to any new matter raised in the rebuttal within 2 days after the
21rebuttal is filed. Within 14 days after the expiration of the time allowed for filing a
22reply to a rebuttal, the clerk or board of election commissioners official or agency
23shall file the certificate or an amended certificate. Within 31 days after the petition
24is offered for filing, the clerk or board of election commissioners official or agency
25shall determine by careful examination of the face of the petition whether the

1petition is sufficient and shall so state in a certificate issued by the official or agency
2attached to the petition. If the petition is found to be insufficient, the certificate shall
3state the particulars creating the insufficiency. The petition may be amended to
4correct any insufficiency within 5 days following the affixing of the original
5certificate. Within 2 days after the offering of the amended petition for filing, the
6clerk or board of election commissioners official or agency shall again carefully
7examine the face of the petition to determine sufficiency and shall attach to the
8petition a certificate stating the findings. Immediately upon finding an original or
9amended petition sufficient, except in town sanitary districts, and technical college,
10metropolitan sewerage, exposition, professional football stadium, and cultural arts
11districts, and
cities over 500,000 population, the municipal clerk or school district
the official shall transmit the petition to the governing body or to the school
13board. Immediately Except with regard to a petition filed against a metropolitan
14sewerage commissioner or cultural arts district board member, immediately
15finding an original or amended petition sufficient, in cities over 500,000 population,
16the board of election commissioners shall file the petition in its office. Immediately
17upon finding an original or amended petition offered for filing against a metropolitan
18sewerage commissioner to be sufficient in a metropolitan sewerage district created
19under s. 200.23, the secretary of the metropolitan sewerage district shall file the
20petition in his or her office and shall transmit a copy of the petition to the
21metropolitan sewerage commission. Immediately upon finding an original or
22amended petition sufficient, in a technical college district or a metropolitan sewerage
23district organized under subch. I of ch. 200, the elections board shall file the petition
24in its office. Immediately upon finding an original or amended petition offered for
25filing against a town sanitary district commissioner to be sufficient in a town

1sanitary district, the secretary of the district shall file the petition in his or her office
2and transmit a copy to the town sanitary district commission. Immediately upon
3finding an original or amended petition sufficient in an exposition district the
4boundaries of which are not coterminous with the boundaries of a single
5municipality, the county clerk or board of election commissioners shall file the
6petition in the office of the clerk or board of election commissioners. Immediately
7upon finding an original or amended petition sufficient in a professional football
8stadium district, the county clerk or board of election commissioners shall file the
9petition in the office of the clerk or board of election commissioners. Immediately
10upon finding an original or amended petition sufficient in a cultural arts district, the
11city clerk or board of election commissioners shall file the petition in the office of the
12clerk or board of election commissioners.
SB258, s. 43 13Section 43. 9.10 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,25,2014 9.10 (4) (d) Promptly upon receipt of a certificate or copy of the certificate issued
15under par. (a), the governing body, school board, or county clerk, city clerk, board of
16election commissioners, metropolitan sewerage commission, town sanitary district
17commission, or elections board
shall call a recall election. The recall election shall
18be held on the Tuesday of the 6th week commencing after the date on which the
19certificate is filed, except that if Tuesday is a legal holiday the recall election shall
20be held on the first day after Tuesday which is not a legal holiday.
SB258, s. 44 21Section 44. 9.10 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,26,222 9.10 (7) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to facilitate the operation of
23article XIII, section 12, of the constitution and to extend the same rights to electors
24of cities, villages, towns, town sanitary districts, and technical college, metropolitan

1sewerage, exposition, professional football stadium, cultural arts, and
SB258, s. 45 3Section 45. 10.05 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,26,21 410.05 Posting of notice. Unless specifically designated elsewhere, this
5section applies to villages, towns and, town sanitary districts, and technical college,
6metropolitan sewerage, exposition, professional football stadium, cultural arts, and

7school districts. Whenever a notice is required to be published, a village, town or,
8town sanitary district, or technical college, metropolitan sewerage, exposition,
9professional football stadium, cultural arts, or
school district may post 3 notices in
10lieu of publication under ch. 985 whenever there is not a newspaper published within
11the village, town or, town sanitary district, or technical college, metropolitan
12sewerage, exposition, professional football stadium, cultural arts, or
school district
13or whenever the governing body of the village, town or , town sanitary district, or
14technical college, metropolitan sewerage, exposition, professional football stadium,
15cultural arts, or
school district chooses to post in order to supplement notice provided
16in a newspaper. Whenever the manner of giving notice is changed by the governing
17body, the body shall give notice of the change in the manner used before the change.
18Whenever posting is used, the notices shall be posted no later than the day prescribed
19by law for publication, or if that day falls within the week preceding the election to
20be noticed, at least one week before the election. All notices given for the same
21election shall be given in the same manner.
SB258, s. 46 22Section 46. 11.02 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,27,223 11.02 (3) Except as provided in sub. subs. (3e), (9), (10), and (11), the "filing
24officer" for each candidate for local office and for each committee which or individual
25who is acting in support of or in opposition to any candidate for local office, but not

1any candidate for state office, is the clerk of the most populous jurisdiction for which
2any candidate who is supported or opposed seeks office.
SB258, s. 47 3Section 47. 11.02 (9) to (12) of the statutes are created to read:
SB258,27,64 11.02 (9) If the jurisdiction under sub. (3) is a metropolitan sewerage district
5created under s. 200.23, the filing officer is the secretary of the metropolitan
6sewerage district.
SB258,27,8 7(10) If the jurisdiction under sub. (3) is a metropolitan sewerage district
8organized under subch. I of ch. 200, the filing officer is the board.
SB258,27,10 9(11) If the jurisdiction under sub. (3) is a town sanitary district, the filing officer
10is the secretary of the district.
SB258,27,17 11(12) If the jurisdiction under sub. (3) is an exposition district the boundaries
12of which are coterminous with the boundaries of a single municipality, the filing
13officer is the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of that municipality.
14If the jurisdiction under sub. (3) is an exposition district the boundaries of which are
15not coterminous with the boundaries of a single municipality, the filing officer is the
16county clerk or board of election commissioners of the county in which the largest
17portion of the population of the district is contained.
SB258, s. 48 18Section 48. 11.02 (14) and (15) of the statutes are created to read:
SB258,27,2119 11.02 (14) If the jurisdiction under sub. (3) is a professional football stadium
20district, the filing officer is the county clerk or board of election commissioners of the
21county in which the district is contained.
SB258,27,24 22(15) If the jurisdiction under sub. (3) is a cultural arts district, the filing officer
23is the city clerk or board of election commissioners of the city in which the district is
SB258, s. 49 25Section 49. 11.26 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
111.26 (1) (c) Candidates for representative to the assembly or member of a
2technical college district board
, $500.
SB258, s. 50 3Section 50. 11.26 (1) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,28,74 11.26 (1) (d) 2. One cent times the number of inhabitants of the jurisdiction or,
5district, or subdistrict, according to the latest federal census or the census
6information on which the district or subdistrict is based, as certified by the
7appropriate filing officer, but not more than $3,000.
SB258, s. 51 8Section 51. 11.26 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,28,109 11.26 (2) (c) Candidates for representative to the assembly or member of a
10technical college district board
, $500.
SB258, s. 52 11Section 52. 11.26 (2) (e) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,28,1512 11.26 (2) (e) 2. Three-fourths of one cent times the number of inhabitants of
13the jurisdiction or, district, or subdistrict, according to the latest federal census or the
14census information on which the district, or subdistrict is based, as certified by the
15appropriate filing officer, but not more than $2,500.
SB258, s. 53 16Section 53. 11.31 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,28,1917 11.31 (1) (f) Candidates for representative to the assembly or member of a
18technical college district board
, $17,250 total in the primary and election, with
19disbursements not exceeding $10,775 for either the primary or the election.
SB258, s. 54 20Section 54. 11.31 (1) (g) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,28,2321 11.31 (1) (g) (intro.) In any jurisdiction or district, other than a technical college
22district or
judicial district or circuit, with a population of 500,000 or more according
23to the most recent federal census covering the entire jurisdiction or district:
SB258, s. 55 24Section 55. 11.31 (1) (g) 1. d. of the statutes is created to read:
111.31 (1) (g) 1. d. Candidates for metropolitan sewerage commissioner in a
2district created under s. 200.23, $17,250.
SB258, s. 56 3Section 56. 17.01 (9m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB258,29,44 17.01 (9m) By a town sanitary district officer, to the secretary of the district.
SB258, s. 57 5Section 57. 17.01 (10m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB258,29,76 17.01 (10m) By a member of a technical college district board, to the secretary
7of the district board.
SB258, s. 58 8Section 58. 17.01 (11n) of the statutes is created to read:
SB258,29,139 17.01 (11n) By a member of the metropolitan sewerage commission in a district
10created under s. 200.23, to the secretary of the metropolitan sewerage district. The
11secretary shall immediately give a copy of each resignation under this subsection to
12the elections board and to the county and municipal clerk or board of election
13commissioners of each county and municipality that has territory within the district.
SB258, s. 59 14Section 59. 17.02 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
SB258,29,1715 17.02 (2) Technical college district board. Of the resignation of a member
16of a technical college district board, by the secretary of the district board to the
17elections board.
SB258, s. 60 18Section 60. 17.02 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
SB258,29,2219 17.02 (5) Metropolitan sewerage commissioners. Of the resignation of a
20commissioner of a metropolitan sewerage district in a district organized under
21subch. I of ch. 200, by the secretary of the metropolitan sewerage district to the
22elections board.
SB258, s. 61 23Section 61. 17.13 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,30,3 2417.13 Removal of village, town, town sanitary district, school district,
25technical college
and district, family care district, and metropolitan

1sewerage district
officers. (intro.) Officers of towns, town sanitary districts,
2villages, school districts, technical college districts and , family care districts, and
3metropolitan sewerage districts created under s. 200.23
may be removed as follows: